Territorial recognition

The Canada Research Chair in Citizen Museology (2019-2025) recognizes that the Université de Montréal is located on unceded Aboriginal territory that has been inhabited over time by several Aboriginal nations. It is therefore our duty to contribute to raising awareness of this history of colonialism and to foster respect for Aboriginal knowledge and cultures.


At the heart of the Canada Chair in Citizen Museology lies a burning desire to explore new uses for museum collections. Our mission is to redefine the way art collections are perceived and experienced, transforming museums into living citizen spaces of discovery, engagement and dialogue.

"Towards a Citizen Museum" - we aspire to create a museum that belongs as much to the community as to art historians. A place where every object, every work of art, invites dynamic interaction and interpretation. We firmly believe that art should be accessible to all, and that museums should play a central role in bringing communities together.

Our values

We cherish the values of collaboration, innovation and openness. By integrating interdisciplinary approaches, we encourage the community to contribute to the history of art, reflecting the vision of a citizen museum.

 Une femme entourée d'écoliers regarde la caméra en souriant.

Joanna Abrahamowicz, médiatrice culturelle au Musée McCord Stewart, donne une visite guidée de l’exposition « Voix autochtones d’aujourd’hui : savoir, trauma, résilience », 2022. Photo : Noémie Letu, 2022